Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ayo Ikutan Kuis Berhadiah Jalan-Jalan ke Lombok

Ayo, ikutan kuis ini juga.
Hadiahnya adalah jalan-jalan keliling Lombok gratis. ^^

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Embarrassing Experience

It happened when I wanted to buy in a mall. I didn’t bring my money. I only brought my ATM card because I thought that I could take money from that ATM card. Then, I bought many things that I needed in that mall. After I finished buying many things, I came to the counter to pay them. I didn’t bring money, so I showed my ATM card. Then, I gave it to the cashier. After that, the cashier said that my ATM card couldn’t use here. And then, the cashier kept many things that I have bought. She ordered me to take money from the ATM machine near the mall. It made me embarrassed because many people saw me that I couldn’t pay many things that I took. Finally, I went to the ATM machine and I took some money. I paid the bill and I took my things. After this, I will never use my ATM card.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Salam Kenal

Kenalkan, namaku AHMAD NUREDY. Ini blogku yang kedua. Waktu itu sih pernah juga buat blog di Namun, karena blognya diambil alih google, jd kayaknya blog aku itu terblokir. Akun blogku di blogspot adalah: Aku juga punya akun blog yang lain, yaitu:

Sekian dulu..